Source code for darfix.core.componentsMatching

__authors__ = ["J. Garriga"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "28/02/2020"

import cv2
import numpy

from enum import Enum

from silx.image import sift

[docs] class Method(Enum): """ Methods available to compute the matching. """ orb_feature_matching = "orb feature matching" sift_feature_matching = "sift feature matching" euclidean_distance = "euclidean distance"
[docs] @staticmethod def values(): return list(map(lambda c: c.value, Method))
[docs] class ComponentsMatching: """ Class to compute component matching. :param array_like components: List of stack of images. Every element of the list contains a stack of components from a certain dataset. """ def __init__(self, components): self.components = components def _create_descriptors(self): """ Function that detects and computes the keypoints and descriptors for the components. """ orb = cv2.ORB_create() descripted_components = [] for array in self.components: components = [] for image in array: cv2.normalize(image, image, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX) image = image.astype(numpy.uint8) kp, des = orb.detectAndCompute(image, None) components.append(Component(image, kp, des)) descripted_components.append(components) return descripted_components def _create_sift_keypoints(self): keypoints = [] for array in self.components: sift_ocl = sift.SiftPlan(template=array[0], devicetype="CPU") components = [sift_ocl(image) for image in array] keypoints.append(components) return keypoints
[docs] def euclidean_distance(self, X, Y): """ Compute euclidean distance between two images. """ assert ( X.shape == Y.shape ), "Images have to have same shape to compute euclidean distance" dst = numpy.linalg.norm(X - Y) # their euclidean distances return dst
[docs] def match_components( self, id1=None, id2=None, method=Method.orb_feature_matching, tol=8 ): """ Match components. Given the components x1,...,xn of dataset 1 and the components y1,...,ym of dataset 2, this function computes the pairs (xi,yi) that have better matching. Considering that each component of dataset 1 corresponds to one and only one component of dataset 2. :param Union[int,None] id1: Id of the first dataset to compare. :param Union[int,None] id2: Id of the second dataset to compare. :param Method method: Method to use for the matching. :returns: Dictionary with components ids of id1 per keys and their corresponding id component of id2 match per values, and dictionary with the matching info per pair of components. :rtype: (dict, dict) """ if id1 is None or id2 is None: assert len(self.components) == 2, "Index of components must be given" id1 = 0 id2 = 1 good = {} final_matches = {} if method == Method.orb_feature_matching: self.descriptors = self._create_descriptors() bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING, crossCheck=True) # Match components with id1 and id2 for i, component1 in enumerate(self.descriptors[id1]): if component1.descriptor is not None: for j, component2 in enumerate(self.descriptors[id2]): if component2.descriptor is not None: # Match descriptors good[(i, j)] = numpy.array( bf.match(component1.descriptor, component2.descriptor) ) best_v = [] # Add matches sorted by number of matches found. for x, y in sorted(good, key=lambda match: len(good[match]), reverse=True): # Only add match if neither x nor y are already in the list. if x not in final_matches.keys() and y not in final_matches.values(): kp1 = [] kp2 = [] for match in good[(x, y)]: kp1 += [self.descriptors[id1][x].keypoints[match.queryIdx].pt] kp2 += [self.descriptors[id2][y].keypoints[match.trainIdx].pt] if len(kp1) > 1 and len(kp2) > 1: v = numpy.mean(numpy.array(kp2) - numpy.array(kp1), axis=0) else: v = numpy.array(kp2) - numpy.array(kp1) if not numpy.any(best_v): best_v = v final_matches[x] = y elif numpy.linalg.norm(best_v - v) < tol: final_matches[x] = y elif method == Method.sift_feature_matching: keypoints = self._create_sift_keypoints() best_v = [] mp = sift.MatchPlan() # Match components with id1 and id2 for i, kp1 in enumerate(keypoints[id1]): for j, kp2 in enumerate(keypoints[id2]): # Match descriptors good[(i, j)] = mp.match(kp1, kp2) # Add matches sorted by number of matches found. for x, y in sorted( good, key=lambda match: good[match].shape[0], reverse=True ): # Only add match if neither x nor y are already in the list. if x not in final_matches.keys() and y not in final_matches.values(): v = numpy.array( [ numpy.median(good[(x, y)][:, 1].x - good[(x, y)][:, 0].x), numpy.median(good[(x, y)][:, 1].y - good[(x, y)][:, 0].y), ] ) if not numpy.any(best_v): best_v = v final_matches[x] = y elif numpy.linalg.norm(best_v - v) < tol: final_matches[x] = y elif method == Method.euclidean_distance: for i, X in enumerate(self.components[id1]): for j, Y in enumerate(self.components[id2]): good[(i, j)] = self.euclidean_distance(X, Y) # Add matches sorted by distance. for x, y in sorted(good, key=lambda match: good[match]): # Only add match if neither x nor y are already in the list. if x not in final_matches.keys() and y not in final_matches.values(): final_matches[x] = y return final_matches, good
[docs] def draw_matches( self, final_matches, matches, id1=None, id2=None, displayMatches=False ): """ Create stack of images with each pair of matches. :param dict final_matches: Dictionary with the best pairs of matches per items. :param dict matches: Dictionary with keys the pairs of matches and with values the information of every pair of components. :param Union[int,None] id1: Id of the first dataset to compare. :param Union[int,None] id2: Id of the second dataset to compare. :param bool displayMatches: If True, dictionary `matches` has to contain values of type `cv2.DMatch`. :returns array_like: stack with the pairs of images, and if so, info about the matching. """ if id1 is None or id2 is None: assert len(self.components) == 2, "Index of components must be given" id1 = 0 id2 = 1 stack = [] for i, img1 in enumerate(self.components[id1]): if i in final_matches: j = final_matches[i] img2 = self.components[id2][j] # Show link between features if displayMatches: # Check that all values are of type `cv2.DMatch` assert all( (isinstance(match, cv2.DMatch) for match in values) for values in matches.values() ), "Dictionary `matches` has to contain values of type `cv2.DMatch`" img = cv2.drawMatches( self.descriptors[id1][i].image, self.descriptors[id1][i].keypoints, self.descriptors[id2][j].image, self.descriptors[id2][j].keypoints, matches[(i, j)], None, flags=2, ) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) else: shape1, shape2 = img1.shape, img2.shape img = numpy.zeros( (max(shape1[0], shape2[0]), shape1[1] + shape2[1]) ) img[: shape1[0], : shape1[1]] = img1 img[: shape2[0], shape1[1] :] = img2 else: shape1 = img1.shape shape2 = self.components[id2][0].shape img = numpy.zeros((max(shape1[0], shape2[0]), shape1[1] + shape2[1])) img[: shape1[0], : shape1[1]] = img1 stack.append(img) return stack
[docs] class Component: """ Class Component. Describes a component of a dataset (image) with its keypoints and descriptors. """ def __init__(self, image, kp, des): self._image = image self._keypoints = kp self._descriptor = des @property def keypoints(self): return self._keypoints @property def descriptor(self): return self._descriptor @property def image(self): return self._image